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Title Othello
Document Type Final or Souvenir Prompt Book
Reference Oth Fo 2
Primary Association Browne, Maurice; Van Volkenburg, Ellen
Case Study OthFo2
Associated Names Pryde, James; Sheringham, George
Publication Date 1930
Theatre Savoy
Place of Production London
Country of Production Great Britain
Date of Production 19 May 1930
Description Stage settings by James Pryde. Includes at the end a property plot and costume plot. Costumes by George Sheringham.
Genre Tragedy
Theme(s) Love and Marriage; War, Empire and Colonialism
Roles Paul Robeson - Othello; Maurice Browne - Iago; Peggy Ashcroft - Desdemona
Content Keywords love, race, jealousy, betrayal, deceit, infidelity, crime, death, justice, soldier
Context Keywords stage, costume, cast, blocking, lighting, cues, sound effects, property
Visual Content Contains groundplans and seven photographs of the sets.
Shattuck Code Not in Shattuck
Play Othello
Library Folger Shakespeare Library
Note Please note that some of the metadata for this document has been drawn from the Folger Shakespeare Library's online catalogue and 'The Shakespeare Prompt books, A Descriptive Catalogue' by Charles H. Shattuck.