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Title Hamlet
Document Type Final or Souvenir Prompt Book
Reference Ham 31
Primary Association Barrymore, John
Associated Names Taylor, Lark; Jones, Robert Edmond
Annotation Date 1924
Publication Date 1902
Theatre Sam Harris
Place of Production New York
Country of Production United States
Date of Production 1922-1924
Description Prompt book for the Barrymore production's second season, made by Lark Taylor. Contains anecdotes and observations on the history of the production, including Barrymore's last curtain speech and farewell party for the company. Signed on the front page of Act I by the cast members.
Genre Tragedy
Theme(s) Royalty, Aristocracy and Class; History, Politics and Corruption
Roles Tyrone Power - Claudius; John Barrymore - Hamlet; Rosalind Fuller - Ophelia; Blanche Yurka - Gertrude
Content Keywords death, madness, royalty, revenge, poison, supernatural, marriage
Context Keywords scenery, cast, cues, blocking, music
Visual Content Photograph of Barrymore on the front cover of a programme, scenery drawings, and blocking sketches.
Edition Roycroft edition, 1902
Shattuck Code HAM 156
Play Hamlet
Library Folger Shakespeare Library
Note Please note that some of the metadata for this document has been drawn from the Folger Shakespeare Library's online catalogue and 'The Shakespeare Promptbooks, A Descriptive Catalogue' by Charles H. Shattuck.