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Title Hamlet
Document Type Prompt Book
Reference Ham 54
Primary Association Ward, John; D'Avenant, William, Sir
Associated Names Halliwell-Phillipps, J.O.; Barrett, Oliver R.
Publication Date 1683
Country of Production Great Britain
Date of Production c.1740
Description Includes alterations and additions by Sir William D'Avenant. Cuts, a scenic indication, calls, properties, cues for effects. Entrance cues are indicted by long lines with vertical slashes.
Genre Tragedy
Theme(s) Royalty, Aristocracy and Class; History, Politics and Corruption
Roles Mr Betterton - Hamlet; Mrs Betterton - Ophelia; Mr Crosby - Claudius
Content Keywords death, madness, royalty, revenge, poison, supernatural, marriage
Context Keywords cast, character, stage, music, cues
Edition Heringham and Bentley edition, 1683
Shattuck Code HAM 3
Play Hamlet
Library Folger Shakespeare Library
Note Please note that some of the metadata for this document has been drawn from the Folger Shakespeare Library's online catalogue and 'The Shakespeare Prompt books, A Descriptive Catalogue' by Charles H. Shattuck.